Gardening has begun – Transplants!

Diana and I could hardly wait to get started with transplants. In February, we carefully planned what and when we would plant on the farm. Then, in early March, we each started cabbage and cauliflower – several varieties of each.

Then, we waited (impatiently, I might add!) about a week to start tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and several different herbs. We want to share several varieties with folks at Farmers Markets. There are SO many wonderful and unusual varieties of all these vegetables to choose from, so our customers will need help us decide what they like best and which we will grow again next year.

Here are some of the seedlings so far. These are cauliflower – Purple of Sicily and Green Macerata. Well, I know you can’t tell from the seedlings but just wait till spring when we can share the actual veggies!

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